Identifying data of the information society service provider
In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, the user of this website is informed of the following:
The AQVA website has been created in order to inform the user about the services we offer and that they can access the technological platform from it.
The domain, the web and all its content is the property of AQVA SWIMWEAR S.L., registered in the Mercantile Registry of Cataluña with CIF: B16410946.
Users who require it, can contact the company directly and effectively, through the following means:
Registered office: C/ Sant Gaudenci, 9-P, 1 Pta. Sitges, 08870, España
Phones: +34 639 510 792
It remains as a means of contact for users who want to contact the company at any time, easily and free of charge, guaranteeing effective communication.
Acceptance and validity of the general and particular conditions
Both the navigation and the use and / or order of any of the products offered on this website attributes to you the condition of User and implies your full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the General Conditions and, in its In this case, Individuals in force at the time you, as a User, access the Web page.
AQVA reserves the right to unilaterally expand and modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation, configuration and contents of the website, as well as temporarily suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services of the website, of the same shape.
Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)
As stated in Article 14 of EU Regulation 524/2013 of 21 May on online dispute resolution in consumer matters, “Traders established in the Union concluding online sales or service contracts and online marketplaces established in the Union shall provide on their websites an electronic link to the online dispute resolution platform. That link shall be easily accessible to consumers. The URL for the out-of-court dispute resolution procedure is as follows: